To simplify the process and save time the government of India recently launched portals that enable candidates to check their Aadhaar Seeding Status Check Online with ease This portal can be accessed by all registered candidates who have applied for double verification to link Aadhar with other government documents. The purpose of Aadhar seeding is to ensure that all government services and subsidies are delivered to the right person avoiding fraudulent activities.
By linking Aadhar with other government documents, candidates can avail of various benefits, such as scholarships, pensions, and LPG subsidies, without any hassle The eligibility criterion for Aadhar seeding is that the candidate should possess a valid Aadhar card and other relevant documents The portal provides features like online verification, status check, and feedback.
Aadhaar Seeding Status Online
The Indian government has recently undertaken a major initiative to link Aadhar numbers with various official documents to streamline the verification process. Numerous individuals have already registered themselves under this initiative and are now keen to check the status of their applications. The good news is that applicants no longer need to visit any other website or government office to check their application status. Instead they can use a dedicated portal to access this information.
This portal enables individuals to link their Aadhar number with important documents such as MNREGA Job Card, and Pension ID, among others. To complete the process, applicants must visit the official website of and follow the instructions provided there.
Key Highlights of Aadhaar Seeding Status Online
Name of the scheme | Aadhaar Seeding Status |
Launched by | Government of India |
Objective | Check Status |
Beneficiaries | Citizens of India |
Official website | |
Objective Of Aadhaar Seeding Status
The main objective of this portal is to provide an online platform to link Aadhar cards with other government official documents without any hassles. However, some individuals want to lick their Aadhar but due to lack of information, they aren’t able to process that, so this portal is created for them to provide them ease. In case of any doubts or queries, individuals can also reach out to the officials for assistance. This portal is a significant step towards making the process of linking Aadhar cards with other official documents more convenient and accessible to everyone.
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Benefits of Aadhaar Seeding Status Online
- This online portal offers a convenient way for applicants to complete verification for various government documents.
- It’s worth noting that the Aadhar card is one of the most preferred documents in India, so it’s crucial for KYC.
- With the help of this portal, anyone can easily check the Aadhar seeding application status without the need to spend time visiting government offices or browsing multiple websites.
- This portal is designed to save beneficiaries a significant amount of time and money.
- To check the status, simply log in using your Aadhar number on the official website.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates with an Aadhar card and willing to link with other government official documents are eligible.
- Candidates must have all the necessary documents at the time of registration.
- Candidates are advised to be more careful while applying for Aadhar seeding.
Required Documents List
- Aadhar Card
- Email ID
- Mobile Number
- PAN Card
- Passport Size Photo
Details Mentioned on the Dashboard
- Aadhar number
- Bank account name
- Bank seeding status
- Last updated date
Procedure to Check Aadhaar Seeding Status Online
- For that purpose, you need to go to the Official Website of the portal.
- After reaching the homepage, click on the Bank Seeding Option and continue.
- Now you need to click on the Login option and continue.
- Now enter your Aadhar number and captcha code on it and submit it.
- After submitting the details, the seeding status will appear on your screen.
Through phone call
- Dial *99*99*1# with Aadhaar registered phone number
- Enter 12-digit Aadhaar number
- Now, re-enter the number
- After submission, the status of the linking will be displa
Contact Details
- Email id:-